February 8, 2023 by Vicky 2023博古斯世界烹饪大赛已于1月23日在法国里昂正式落下帷幕。在此次总决赛的赛场上,两位中国队成员:泰安门广州和斯蒂勒餐厅副主厨林裕力(Nick Lin),以及助理厨师Leo Meinass在博古斯世界烹饪大赛中国及亚太地区主席 – Stefan Stiller、与烹饪指导 – 斯蒂勒集团行政总厨傅朱伟(Alex Fu)的带领下,与23个参赛国家队同台共竞,并在激烈的角逐下取得了令人惊叹的荣誉,耀夺中国队自2011年以来的最高排名,展现了团队的卓越烹饪水准与不断创新的钻研宗旨。 The Bocuse d’Or 2023 concluded successfully in Lyon on 23rd January. Under the leadership of Stefan Stiller – President of Bocuse d’Or China and Asia Pacific, the culinary support from Alex Fu – Executive Chef of Stiller Management Group, Team China has earned the incredible honor in the Bocuse d’Or Final in Lyon with the best ranking since 2011. The Candidate Nick Lin – Sous Chef of Taian Table Guangzhou & Stiller and his Commis Leo Meinass have inspired and renewed themselves to reinforce their roles with culinary excellence after the intense competitions with 23 national teams. 在1月22日及23日的比赛期间,每组参赛队都在现场与众多评委及观众们一同分享了各自的主题餐盘展示以及对菜品的创作心得,将精湛娴熟的烹饪技艺与饱含各国特色的菜系理念相结合,在璀璨灯光的映衬下演绎出一场别开生面的多元感官盛宴。On 22nd and 23rd January, all the national teams have presented and explained their themed creations, playing with textures and flavors based on the concepts of the team’s country to convince a jury composed of the most renowned chefs, supported by audiences from all around the world. 今年中国队的决赛征程展现了业内的高质标准及其创新宗旨。在作品的呈现上,中国队所创作的两套决赛主题菜单充分诠释了中华烹饪文化的精神与价值缩影。他们将中国元素巧妙地融入进了菜品的创作理念,采用了五香、锅贴、黄酒及茶叶等饱含地域特色的选料入馔,匠心打造出了别具一格的系列菜品。 As the artistic aspect has ramped up and the platters have become more refined, our team tends to retain their unique identity. Two themed menus that were created by Team China took up a focus on innovation with the inspiration of local ingredients in China, the local input including Chinese Five Spice, Pot Sticker, Yellow Wine, Tea Soy Sause and more. They managed to depart from the beaten path, to concoct creation that was innovate and deserved to be highlighted. Platter 蒸安康鱼Steamed Monkfish扇贝慕斯 | 棕黄油 |香草蛋黄汁Scallop Mousseline | Brown Butter Soy Sause | Sabayon Glaze 作为今年决赛的主题,这一菜品以精心烹制的安康鱼为食客打开全新味蕾境地。慢蒸的安康鱼裹以柠檬香蜂草,牛肝菌,以及扇贝慕斯,呈现恣意多元的先锋飨味;再辅以丰腴的粽黄油淋面,佐以黑醋栗芥末酱、香酥槐鱼皮及香草沙,从而彰显厨师精妙的烹饪巧思,每一口的品尝,皆碰撞出热烈真挚的舌尖火花。 Steamed Monkfish fillet stuffed with porcini and espelette farce, wrapped with lemon balm scallop mousseline. Glazed with brown butter soy sauce emulsion and mussel sabayon, topped with cassis mustard, crispy monkfish skin and herb salad. 酱汁Sauce中国五香贻贝酱汁 | 银耳|香草油Chinese Five Spice Sabayon | White Fungus | Herb Oil 中国五香贻贝酱汁采用姜、柠檬草与芝麻油精心炼制调和而成,将传统烹饪的细腻发挥到极致;再巧妙融合牛肝菌的高汤与香草油,咸香醇厚层次丰富,轻蘸几缕,恰可激发主题菜品的丰富韵味,千回百转中余香尚存。Chinese five spice sabayon infused with ginger, lemon grass and sesame seed oil. Mixed with white fungus cooked in porcini stock and herb oil.豌豆‘花船’ Snap Pea ‘Boat’ 用中国黄酒烹制的鲜嫩春笋和奶油羊肚菌,附在颇具创意的豌豆‘花船’上,再漫撒些许卡拉曼西和洋葱酱鳞片,爽脆可口,充满别致的在地风韵,带领食客步入沁润心脾的时令风味之境。 Snap pea stuffed with bamboo shoots and creamy morels cooked in Chinese yellow wine. Topped with calamansi gel and onion soubise ‘scales’.甜菜 ‘篮’Beetroot and Bok Choy ‘Basket’ 酥脆的甜菜根馅饼,以佛手、干荔枝和中国黑醋腌制的白菜为馅,并以腌甜菜为外皮细腻包裹;再配上波特酒、葡萄汁以及茴香花粉,配菜为主菜烘托出浓厚饱满的味蕾之姿,上演灵趣动人的珍馐魅力。 Crispy beetroot tartlet filled with braised and marinated bok choy seasoned with buddha hand, dried lychee, and Chinese black vinegar, wrapped with pickled beets. Glazed with port, verjus and fennel pollen. 蔬菜贻贝炖菜Vegetable Mussel Ragout 锅贴 |豆豉脆面包|紫苏油 Chinese Pot Sticker | Fermented Black Bean Crouton | Shiso Oil 卯兔新春,我们以中国传统佳肴礼赞团圆鸿运。香脆的传统锅贴下,填满了贻贝、脆藕、香葱与头水紫菜的内陷,融合多重质感美味,上演至臻的中华料理韵致。锅贴上覆以贻贝和混合蔬菜做成的鲜美炖菜,辅以豆豉与云南牛肝菌脆面包,清爽怡人而充满趣味,点亮新年佳节的欢欣愉悦。最后配以奶油藏红花贻贝酱和紫苏油,品赏时还可加入新鲜的香草沙拉和脆蒜,一道别具风味的春节佳肴跃然于舌尖,让温情暖意于周身轻盈流转。 Crispy pot sticker filled with mussels, lotus root, scallops, and purple seaweed, sat on the top of ragout made with mussels and mixed vegetables. Placed on top, a crispy fermented black bean and Yunnan porcini crouton. Served with a creamy saffron mussel sauce mixed with shiso oil. Finished with fresh herb salad and crispy garlic. FEED THE KIDS 胡桃南瓜 |‘乐高’豆腐Butternut Squash | Tofu ‘Lego’ 我们将胡桃南瓜以南瓜籽油细心烹饪,并将之覆满栗子和南瓜籽,制作成“乐高”的样式,以增添美味的层次感和趣味性,让孩子在享用美食的同时,感受时令风物带来的灵感与启示。随后,在其上装点甜蜜的南瓜籽豆腐奶冻,并于一旁辅以南瓜奶冻、味噌南瓜酱汁和南瓜籽油,激发充满香气的温润滋味,为孩子们筑造出一座智趣的味蕾乐园。 Butternut Squash cooked in pumpkin seed oil, filled with chestnut and pumpkin seed crumble. Topped with pumpkin seeds tofu custard, and on the side butternut squash custard, miso squash juice sauce and pumpkin seed oil. 大麦粥 |茶叶蛋配脆米 |南瓜咸蛋酱Barley Congee | Tea Soy Sauce Marinated Egg Crispy Millet| Squash Salted Egg Sauce 中华美食的精髓在于愈愉人心。我们以别具一格的多重中式食材奏响新春的至臻飨味,兼顾营养与风味美学。首先,泡发干香菇并与大麦细腻熬煮,将鸡蛋浸泡在香醇的中国茶汤与酱油为主的酱汁中,制作成色味浓郁的茶叶蛋,淋上奶酪和菌菇汁,再漫撒些香爽可口的脆米,为整道菜品增添了颇具意趣的飨味体验;配上由南瓜咸蛋酱和八珍甜醋制成的酱汁,一曲灵动飘逸的齿间旋律缓缓奏响。 Congee made with barley dried shiitake, based on an egg marinated in tea, Chinese spices, and soy sauce master stock, glazed with cheese fondue and mushroom jus, topped with crispy millet, served with a sauce made with butternut squash, salted egg and sweetened Chinese black vinegar. 金橘南瓜慕斯Squash Kumquat Mousse Cake黑芝麻 | 花生Black Sesame Seeds | Peanut Anglaise 作为另一道以儿童饮食健康角度为主题的餐后甜点,我们同样选用沁口慕斯来表达对孩子们的关爱。南瓜金桔慕斯与红枣、栗子和红糖融合,做成香甜软糯的蛋糕;再淋上酸甜的金橘和细腻的南瓜汁,搭配香浓的黑芝麻和花生酱,为孩子们呈现均衡营养的健康美味。 Squash and kumquat mousse, filled with jujube, chestnut, and brown sugar cake,glazed with tangerine and squash juice, served with black sesame seeds and peanut anglaise. Our Sponsors特别鸣谢 中国队在此次博古斯世界烹饪大赛中夺得的耀目佳绩,离不开众多合作伙伴的信任与支持。我们想要借此机会特别鸣谢他们对中国队一路以来的助力与肯定。 The trip to The Bocuse d’Or Finale cannot be succeeded without the steadfast dedication from our business associates and patrons. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to them for their constant confidence and support. in Uncategorized 0 comments Share